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Newcomers to New Media

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I grew up in Los Angeles with a pretty tight knit group of friends. If you had to put us in one of those classical Hollywood high school groups, it would be a mix of jocks and surfers, mainly because we did both. I played soccer (along with some others), some played basketball and others were into the aquatics (swimming and water polo). The thing is, we were all, to some extent, athletic and could at the very least, hold our own in some pick-up basketball or football.

Now as we’re growing up, it’s becoming harder for us to find time, to all get together. Some have stayed in L.A. while others, like myself, have left the city for school. We’re all back at Christmas time, but then again, some of us go trips with our families to the local mountains for a ski/snowboard trip. Either way you break it down, it’s tough for our whole crew to get together.

Social media has really helped things along. Now, all but one of us has a facebook account, so we can “stalk” each other that way, we play in an annual fantasy basketball league with Yahoo! so we can, as the box says, “talk smack” about someones team (or squad as we like to call it), and just recently some one of them decided to start his own web site, then he posted a link to another one. So now, I’m just doing the buddy thing and giving them a shout out.

Jeremy Hassan blogs on his site about “all things Los Angeles…good places to party, eat, hang out, good movies, things to do, places to see, and so much more.” Maybe you’re not from L.A. but you’ll certainly be going there at some point or perhaps have some friends in your group who are going there and his site, mrjeremyhassan.com, will definitely be a good place to get a quick pointer or two on where to go and what to do.

If you’re into basketball and sneakers, then my other buddy Charlie Oriel has you covered. His blog, charlesoriel.com, has his experienced opinion on what’s going on with sneaker releases as well as all your insane basketball highlights from the high school level, all the way up to the pros.

They’re both also interested in all your comments so let them hear your thoughts early and often!

Written by lhpious

March 25, 2010 at 2:12 pm